Trump Won - He'll Win Again - Make America Great Again

1 year ago

Trump Won - He'll Win Again - Make America Great Again

History is a lie
Winners of the war tell us HIS Story - Question more
Taxation is theft = Slavery
Banking is a hoax
Telephone, communications are a scam
Electricity is a scam
gas is a scam
airplanes are very old technology
Global Warming is a hoax
Education = Indoctrination
Time is a hoax - there is no Santa, easter bunny or tooth fairy
Celebrating the anniversary of your birth ages you and casts spells on you. No animal in nature does this.
MSM is fake news and the enemy of the people
Fashion houses, models and Hollywood are Satanists many of them transgendered - they worship the Baphomet dual gendered demon and BAAL - God of child sacrifice.
Politicians and stars have been to Epstein Island
Medical industrial complex are all genocidal maniacs
95% of doctors, nurses are brainwashed big pharma reps that are clueless on how the body actually works.
Pedophiles that worship Satan run the world and silence is consent!

They have to tell you what they do via movies, music, symbolism it's part of their religion and rituals. If you say nothing and ignore, you are consenting and here we are.

Stay tuned!



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