May 15, 2020 🇺🇸 JESUS WARNS... A Tragedy at the White House... Only your Prayers can prevent Donald Trump's Death

2 years ago

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Tragedy looms at the White House… Only your Prayers can prevent Donald’s Death

May 15, 2020 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began… “My people, My people, tragedy looms at the White House, this is the hour of darkness that is pressing upon America, what are you going to do about it? Will you allow this to happen? Will you stand by and let darkness take your country over? What are you going to do?? This decree has gone forth because of the sinfulness of My people and their lack of repentance from empty works. I am calling upon you all, right now in this hour to repent from your worldly ways and truly turn over a new lease on life. One filled with righteousness and not empty vain pursuits.

“Tragedy stands at the door, will you My people repent for this fascination with wealth and worldly goods? Will you seek My righteousness, My kingdom come, My will be done? If My Father sees a massive move of repentance from the worship of wealth and prosperity, to a country deeply committed to righteousness and justice, perhaps He will forestall this judgment.

“Will you step out of yourselves and care for the poor and those who are floundering in life. Will you feed the hungry, clothe the poor and look after humanity, as a tender mother and father? I have given this country great wealth, but not for your vain pursuits, rather to comfort the poor and bring equality of wealth to those who are struggling. I have seen massive change in this country, much to your President’s courage in putting his life and the lives of his families in great danger, by making the moves necessary to conquer darkness.

“But this task is not something that can be assessed on the surface. The deeper he goes the greater the rot and corruption. The educational system has prepared young Americans to side with ungodly agendas in the name of freedom. He has done many things well, and your prayers have kept him alive to keep going.

“My Father has sent many, many events to turn the hearts of this people away from the world and onto family values and Godliness. But with the focus on money and greatness, people have missed the most important issues and rushed head long into worshipping the dollar. Even with the Covid restraints, the true focus is still missing as the byword continues to make America great again. I say to you, make America Holy again and prosperity will follow, in the measure it is needed but not so that you can again be corrupted by money and possessions, which is what every civilization destroyed itself with.

“The world is now on the precipice of disaster, and the death of your president will leave America in national upheaval and civil war. Will you allow this to happen? I am calling you to travailing prayer. I am calling you to cover your heads with sack cloth and ashes and cry out for mercy, more time, more grace, more mercy. Life is very tenuous in these times with natural calamities on your doorstep, and an enemy that is convinced it must conquer the world by reducing the population radically, with genocide after genocide, until only the chosen elite are left.

“My people, I am crying out to you for prayer and supplication, like you never have cried out before, the vision of Donald Trump in a casket, should be enough to fuel your tears and prayers begging for Mercy. Prayer changes things, but only united passionate prayer can prevent the death of your president. Travail for him and for your future and perhaps My Father will extend his term of office.”

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