What Are We Looking For In The Next Leadership In The RNC?

2 years ago

What are we really looking for in the next leadership in the RNC? Ronna McDaniel is expected to glide into a fourth term for a leader that has failed to oversee a successful election cycle. Why is she gliding into it? The entitlement and how deals are made for certain people get out of the way to make sure an establishment person stays in place for every office. Send BKP your thoughts
The G7 is setting up a multi-agency platform to coordinate aid to Ukraine. What that means is they are revamping the laundry mat. We funnel your money through the laundry mat.
There are people saying that Joe Manchin will go independent, due to his family history he will remain a democrat. Weapon financing at the top, so the warmongers are at the top. They will have all the finance ministers to supplement the Ukrainian 2023 budget and they will put together a new donor system. At the same time you don’t have your 2023 budget. If we supplement the budget shouldn’t it be open records? We send money throughout the world for schools and water systems. You don’t know what your budget is in your country with your money. Senate eye a one week bill to extend the deadline for funding the government.
Poland is putting the largest land mass of troops, right there next to Ukraine.
We don’t have a budget, they want to do a continued resolution, they want more COVID money and to supplement Ukraine 2023 budget all with your money.

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