May 12, 2020 🇺🇸 JESUS SPEAKS about Death and Destruction... Don't be afraid of the Fire that falls from Heaven

2 years ago

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Death & Destruction… Be not afraid of the Fire that falls from Heaven!

May 12, 2020 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began… “Tell the heartdwellers not to be afraid of the fire that falls from Heaven, but the fire that burns in Hell for eternity. I am standing by waiting to rescue souls from Hell if they will call out to Me.

“People of the earth, you have been duped and deceived by your rulers, but those who are evil are in high places. You’ve been led astray, to believe that what they are doing is good when it is pure evil. You young ones who have been trained in the ways of the world, you have much to learn to uncover the truth of the agenda behind the teachings that have prepared you to hate what is good and right.

“I am the one who created this beautiful planet, and I am the one who has preserved it. Those who falsely accuse Me are the ones who are setting this planet up for its demise.

“Satan’s entire agenda is to destroy you in the most painful way possible and to destroy this planet as well. He hates you and everything this beautiful earth contains and his one and only agenda is suffering, death and destruction.

“I am telling you this because you do not know the extent of deception and destruction plotted against you. This nation is now at an impasse, it has reached the point of no return.

“You are entering into a time of unparalleled suffering and destruction and I am calling you all to pray as never before because your very lives do indeed depend upon it. What is coming is not to be believed, but for those who have done their homework and are prepared I will be with you to assist others.”

(Clare) Lord, please tell us what to expect. Jesus replied…

(Jesus) “Death and destruction. Prayer, prayer and more prayers…work at this time is not the focus, prayer is. Press into prayer. Lives depend upon your faithful prayers and vigilance. Many lives, thousands of lives, not just their bodies but where it is determined they shall go after they die. As I told you in the beginning do not be concerned about the fires on the earth, but those within the earth, in hell and be concerned with your salvation.

“The reign of God comes in a way no one would expect. With thunder, and lightening and signs in the sky, do I come. Yet not all are ready for My coming and this has been the issue with My Father and I. We want so many more to be saved, Clare. So many more. And while My Bride waits anxiously for My coming, assuming even that she is ready, I still must look upon selfish lives that live for themselves and not for My kingdom come and My will to be done on earth.

“All the while this carnival is going on, souls are dying for lack of food, clothing, shelter, love, a knowledge of how dear they are to Me. Clare there are still many, many more to be saved before We remove My Bride from the earth. You are wise to come to Me seeking this wisdom, because while everyone is getting busy for the rapture, I am busy looking for laborers in the field. And I find pitifully few.

“What does this mean beloved? It means I must wait, My Bride is still preoccupied with herself, not with those who are suffering want and above all suffering in ignorance of My tender love for them. The Gospel must be preached throughout the WHOLE world. And even though it seems obvious that I could come for My Bride at any moment, I am still waiting for her to perform…that is, in obedience, work in the fields that are ripening for the harvest.

“That is why the Rapture will not come about now. This has been settled in Heaven. It is not time yet. But I must drop hints and stir into flame the eventuality of My soon coming, in hopes that My Precious Bride will take stock of her life and discover she is indeed lacking in resemblance to Me. Yes, this is a finer point, My Bride...


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