Strange UAP Coming Up From Moon Captured on NASA Apollo Footage

2 years ago

While this footage from Apollo 10 is old - is it as close up to the moon, without fancy editing out of things which I really enjoy to look at, as I believe there are some pretty significant things happening on the moon, should we actually be able to see surface level clearly. I feel the same thing for Mars, and assume it's likely to be on other planets, moons and such throughout our universe.

In this footage, it wasn't long before I noticed something odd to
myself, and it could actually be something coming up being launched from
the moon to the rocket. I honestly couldn't tell you if this was common
practice, I can see it being a viable method of anything, however never
the less, I can't see it being space junk either. Perhaps a satellite?
The problem with that one for me, is the fact that this object is coming directly up - and the camera and the ship it's filming from is angled towards the surface of the moon. Meaning that if this was a satellite, it would be crossing the sky, just like we see satellites crossing across the moon from our vantage point, leaving this one a complete mystery. The last time I shared a post like this - it ended up being a shit container ejected hahah fuuucck that's funny.

The date of this video is May 14th 1969

The video source links:

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