Unmasking false allegations of financial abuse I have faced for nearly 8 years - part 2

2 years ago

In this part, evidence shows that:

» All her paid work + benefits we qualified for and some of my self-employment income were paid into her accounts

» £650500 were paid into accounts only she had access to

» That she had access to another £42500 when I added her as a joint account holder to my bank account, which totals nearly £110000 together with the above

» That she made hundreds/over 2000 card transactions throughout the relationship in the form of purchases, withdrawals or bill payments.
This demonstrates that she wasn't living of an allowance, forbidden to, or irrationally restricted with her spending, or that she was deprived from basic essentials such as food, clothing, means of transport

» Additionally, the 10k loan taken out in her name wasn't with the deliberate intention of running up credit without repaying it, or for the purpose of irresponsible, selfish spending without her input, that it instead was for moving costs and further business investments.
Besides, she only managed to get the loan because of part of my income being paid into her account.

» That so far over 90 documents discredit her false allegations of financial abuse that I have faced for 8 years, which strongly contributed towards the huge snowball leading to Ayrton and Gabrielle being denied their human rights, to a family life inclusive of their father, etc

Part 3 coming soon, likely to be after Christmas though.

Merry Christmas and Happy new year




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