Rising Asian-American Hip-Hop Artist Is On A Mission

2 years ago

Rising Asian-American Hip-Hop Artist Is On A Mission

#newmusic #hiphop #rapper #cameronsean

Cameron Sean Ganis was born in New York on December 15, 1993, to John and Catalina Ganis at only three pounds. He has
always been a fighter showing his relentlessness, passion, and a reason to keep going fourth towards his dream. He grew up in a
bi-racial household along with two brothers. His father played the guitar since he was sixteen, and at the age of sixteen Cameron
picked up a pen and pad and started creating his own sound. Today his biggest influencers are Drake, Lil Wayne, China Mac,
Machine Gun Kelly, Joyner Lucas, Russ, Eminem, Chris Brown, and Justin Bieber to name a few. This up-and-coming vocalist,
songwriter and rap artist had some major obstacles in his life. Both of his parents had a kidney transplant a few years ago, which
took a toll on him, but because of his perseverance and love for music, he was able to overcome these obstacles. Cameron feels
that he gets his drive from his mom, being that she overcame a few obstacles of her own. This thriving young artist also knew
about the importance of getting an education, so he enrolled in the State University of New York at Fredonia near Canada. When
his parents fell sick, he needed to be closer to home, so he enrolled at the University of Central Florida, the largest college in the
United States earning a full scholarship.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cameronseanmusic/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cameron.sean.18
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/cameron_sean
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7K4Jp003kjTeyLIj22VB8g

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