CPI News Today - None Of This Matters - Watch Anyway - The Pit Futures Trading

2 years ago

#daytrading #livetrading #stocks #futurestrading

ES, NQ and RTY all up big overnight. I expect this to pullback before the news here shortly as weak longs get out ahead of the news. Trade with small size and wide stops or just wait for the cash session.

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1. My Futures Day Trading Strategy: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ8l1CDNsHhVFqgH_wyAU5c3xHSrKNn2A
2. Bracket Orders: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_epdfYh1eQ&feature=youtu.be
3. My Chart Platform & Setup: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ8l1CDNsHhXOsT2htGZcnIEyrCnzIdDM

Live Futures Trading, Live Day Trading Futures, Live Futures Day Trading, Live Stock Trading

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