2 years ago

The official Funker530 iOS/Android app (https://funker530.app.link/AppDownload) is where you can watch the latest videos from Ukraine, analyzed by our team of combat veterans. Grab it today and enable notifications to get a ping when breaking videos and news start trending.
----- At 6pm EST Funker News Network Host @RonnieFit discusses:
- #CombatFootage from #Ukraine, #Syria, #Africa
- #HIMARS package drastically increases UA capabilities
- #HomesforourTroops Charity Run LAST DAY
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Footage Discussed:

Close quarters fighting in UA. End of video is NSFW: https://funker530.com/video/nsfw-secondary-footage-ukrainian-infantry-engage-russian-infantry-in-woods/
Second View: https://funker530.com/video/ukrainian-infantry-engage-russian-infantry-in-wood-line-battle/

Mortar cookoff on Russian truck. Rest is NSFW: https://funker530.com/video/nsfw-truck-cooks-off-with-russian-soldiers-on-board/

Switchblade 300 launched in Slow Motion: https://funker530.com/video/switchblade-300-loiter-munition-launched-in-slow-motion/

Russian armor targeted by Artillery. Look at the landscape: https://funker530.com/video/russian-armor-targeted-by-artillery-barrage

Nitric Acid tank in Severodonetsk hit. Actually the 3rd time. Nitric Acid can be very dangerous to breathe: https://funker530.com/video/nitric-acid-explosion-in-severodonetsk-luhansk-looks-like-bad-news

Russian attack helo with dual perspective engaging ukrainian occupied woodline: https://funker530.com/video/russian-attack-helicopter-engages-ukrainian-occupied-wood-line-position/

Footage Section 2 (non-Ukraine):

Nigerian Soldiers fighting boko haram in Sabisa, Nigeria using armored vehicles: https://funker530.com/video/nigerian-soldiers-in-firefight-with-boko-haram-in-sambisa/
- Kidnapping of over 200 girls in 2014, only 103 have been released
- Technically founded in 2002 by Mohammed Yusuf in Maiduguri

B-10 recoilless rifle, (precursor to the SPG-9) is typically tripod/wheel mounted. FSA fighter fires it from the shoulder (supposedly): https://funker530.com/video/fsa-rebel-uses-shoulder-fired-recoilless-rifle-on-regime-position

Hyat Tahrir ash Sham overrunning Islamic State. Exploitation Phase explained by Josh in the Analysis; https://funker530.com/video/hts-militants-overrun-islamic-state-outpost-and-exploit-retreating-fighters/
- Formed in 2011 as Jabhat al-Nusra, changed their name to Jabhat Fatah al-Sham, now they're Hayat Tahrir al-Sham
- Link to FNN for al-Nusra: https://youtu.be/xaT_XqS01X0

Footage Section 3:

Ukrainian vehicle destroyed by Russian ordinance (Secondary explosion): https://funker530.com/video/ukrainian-vehicle-causes-massive-explosion-after-sustaining-heavy-damage/

Ukraine resupply early days of Mariupol seige. Shows personnel offloading chopper: https://funker530.com/video/incredible-footage-shows-how-ukraine-resupplied-azov-in-mariupol/

Murder sparkles are actually NOT phosphorus (maybe probably) but Magnesium: MZ-21 (9M22S): Sparkles: https://funker530.com/video/russian-incendiary-munitions-fill-the-donbass-sky/

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