Special Guest Priscilla Romans - Healthcare sucks, get an advocate!

2 years ago

Your host Scott Schara and Priscilla Romans discuss the dangers of hospitals and the need for an advocate to work on your behalf.

Priscilla Romans is the Founder & CEO of Graith Care with a background in bedside nursing as a RN, BSN with her original nursing starting out in the Pediatrics Intensive Care. Priscilla also went on to expand her healthcare experience by getting her master’s degree in Nursing leadership in Health Systems Management. Priscilla brings her experiences of working in hospital, outpatient, hospice, home care, and insurance industries to help advocate for those in need. It is time to give control back to the healthcare consumer with advocacy!

Priscilla is a mom of 4 and wants to change the landscape of healthcare for her family and those she serves by finding options and solutions to those in need in a very complex healthcare system. All options should be on the table in patient care and Priscilla and her amazing team of advocates across the states and internationally will continue to provide advocacy to our members at Graith Care!


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