This idiot called you a "moron" for being unvaccinated. He gets a heart attack because of the jab.

2 years ago


I mostly make videos about covid karens from facebook but this time, it's a vaccinated idiot from the other propaganda network known as twitter. A radio host from Vancouver, Canada known as Drex made a twitter post saying that you're a moron if you don't take the vaccine and blindly believe whatever the government tells you to do. The irony of what he said. He falsely accuses the unvaccinated of being "morons" but the real moron is him for having poison injected into his body and then having the gall to say that it's "safe". Not so safe after you got a heart attack because of the jab now, huh, retard? He is too retarded to see past his own projection that the real idiot is him and that the world will collapse because retarded imbeciles like him keep complying with the evil and tyrannical government that will try to kill us all for the great reset.

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