Contending for Revival

2 years ago

Join us LIVE this Monday - December 12, 2022 at 7pm EST as The Way Remnant welcomes Pastor Mike Stevens to discuss his upcoming and newly revised book, “Contending for Revival”

Mike Stevens has held crusades in North America, South America, Taiwan, Philippines, Great Britain, and Europe, including the Commonwealth of Independent States. The focus of his ministry is revival. The manifestation of the Holy Spirit through signs and wonders is common in His crusades. Mike is known as a stable, committed minister centering on revival. His wife Tonya is his partner in ministry and they have three children, Jensen, Kristin & Luke. Together they lead The Jesus Community in Cedar Park, Texas. They are a powerful, anointed team. Mike has authored a book entitled Contending For Revival that has been a tool to ignite a hunger for revival in leaders and laymen across America and Europe.

Mario Murillo "Mike Stevens is a fresh voice that signals a new visitation of God in America. He is an international communicator who confronts the issues of our day with the gospel of Jesus Christ; the passion of his ministry is to see true awakening…"

Winkie Pratney "I believe we are seeing the first indications of a coming revival in America for certainly the iniquities of our land have all but separated our people from God. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.' So wrote Charles Fuller in the preface to Revival In Our Time, the initial account of a youthful Billy Graham's first great meetings for revival. `He is a humble, prayerful, consecrated young man who seeks earnestly to work in God's way that his ministry might be earned of the Holy Spirit.'...The western world again awaits another great spiritual awakening. Mike Stevens is in that same rare lineage of men of God I know...who are genuinely contending for revival…"

Look for this book soon coming to Amazon, Kindle, and Audible!


Interested in a good read?

The Nephilim, A Giant Walk Through History.
If you would like to purchase Jeff's book, it can be found here in paperback or e-book:

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*Made by fellow Torah Believers!

The video we did with the Healing Scriptures can be found here:

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We love each and every one of you and ask that you continue to pray for us and the body around you as the day draws near.

Selah, Shema, and Shalom
Jeff & Miranda

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