Greed Power Control Destroying society

2 years ago

Sargent Tin Foil Hat who has been getting is right before anyone else

Tons of indexing happening all across the board pushing what governments and corporations want you to see and not see

seen videos on YouTube where WD40 was used on door rubber and windshield wipers as a tip to stop squeeking

water displacement formula 40 eats rubber as its a petro product

annonymous has a click bait YouTube page

Canadian government has political click bait channel

lots of click bait with Canadian politics showing bias opinion 1 sided fake news propaganda and lies
To push a certain narrative

Tucker has good shows but also not the full episodes

tons of nonesense most of the titles are Deception and fraud

obviously i will never hit $$$ making hours and views

i just post things while homeless to prevent u from ending up this way

long story short

mold in attic and between walls caused by losers downstairs who had 10 90 gallon tanks .

we all got sick . karma tenants below also their dog died first .

simve out medical and vet systems is garbage and our doctors are dumb as door nails only pushing pharma

we got pushed misdiagnosis for months

i got MBL labs where i did get pathogen testing certification to run some samples

36x above safety limits
Many fungal pathogens surpasss covid as BSL3/ 4 pathogens

at this time it was Jan 2020 into covid

just got laidoff due to this covid mess
nobody would rent due to covid fear

we had major health damage for life lived in the car
bylaw Public health Landlords tenant board all busy with covid we got blackballed

tried our best losing all we owned
vet bills 20k for malpractice but needed the answers
hospitals packed with covid we got blackballed there also

massivr debt
loss of health
lost home
lost jobs which happened again after refusing vaccine

lost everything bc of no science and this dictatorship of Tredeau and the lies of corporations and government

thanks Canada

people put themselves first screw others for profit

90% of society doesn't give a dam

lots of fake ppl
lots of promises

not to many ppl exist like my gf who try and give everything

why i keep being honest is my high functioning autism

i seem to love Netwons 4th law of thermodynamics [counting the 0th as 1]

no good deed goes unpunished

to every good action is a equal and opposite bad reaction. living proof of that

been screwed by job agencies
public health
Ontario college of physicians
Ontario college of vets
over a dozens MPs
my own family
so called friends
well almost everyone who has said things whixj were a lie to be fake nice or whatever to get things for themselves to screw me

thanks to the 19 vets who i argued with each for over 1 hour hence theee are so many
everyone of them was wrong trying to sell pharma to make my dogs health worse for capital gain

our medical system is no better btw

our politicians lie every minute

if lies were punished with jail time not many would be free

90% of all doctors broke section 216 CCC

our politicians broke ICCPR

this society is a lie based on a lie to perpetuate fraud for capital gain

as per my post on gettr

my predictions i got right

twitter CCP bots bc Blackrock Vangaurd owmed it

gas prices went up March 2022 as i posted Nov 2021

natural gas LNG china 300% increase

food prices 30%

vaccine adverse events

hyperinflation i was told i am crazy Our economy is doing great in 2021

social media censorship

fake rigged elections

CCP in canada via Blackrock

Doctors are causing more death then preventing

Canada dictatorship

youtube clickbait scams lots of deception bias opinion

fungal pathogens droving covid via coinfections
this still isnt know in Canada time stamp this

my correct hypothesis
Canadian homes built like garbage 70% have mold
note 3 year lived experience
background chemeng microbiology dropped out due to $$$ issues with a 3.8 GPA

tested 6 places only 1 was safe using public healths guidelines

1000 spores max limit at attic EU has 600 limit

many homes apartments usually are at 800-2000 spores per meter cubed

respiratory illness fungal being misdiagnosed as Canada cant test for fungal pathogens no labs here do it
Doctors ignore it

fungal pathogens are the cause to over 410 illness
all start from inflammation

Doctors dont even test CRP markers for diagnosis

healthcare public system is a fraud

i had to go private or i woild be dead

its a society of lies deception fraud for money

btw apps give programs superuser or root privileges
tims app called it
covid app called it

note every corporation that has Vangaurd Blackrock as maj shareholders did not suffer lockdowns

every employee working for maj shareholder Vangaurd Blackrock Manitory Vaccines

BlackRock Vangaurd owned pharma corps.

Before its news u heard it here

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