Bill O'Reilly agrees w/ UTubekookdetector on the midterm results

1 year ago

The only links you’ll need folks

This last link is very important as well – when I run Joe Biden’s spending totals (the data should be out circa March) on various metrics & adjust it per 100,000 employed civilians, you will see that he & this Congress has spent enormous amounts of money (so much spending, even George W. Bush, FDR, LBJ & Barack Obongo would say, “Dude, you’re spending a lot”) for an economy that is teetering on disaster.

We are in serious trouble folks!

Anyways, Bill O’Reilly (who I am NOT a big fan of) agree w/ moi pertaining to why the Dumbasscrats did not get their clocks cleaned last month. The COVID-19 lockdowns were a seminal change in American society, the Democrats got exactly what they wanted.

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