If They Lost Their 30 Laundromats & Had to Start Over

2 years ago

Luke and Lee, the Williford Brothers who own 30+ laundromats, share what they would do if they had to start from scratch to build their laundromat empire all over again!

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Luke's first interview on the podcast- https://laundromatresource.com/show10
Williford Brothers Podcast- https://www.thewillifordbrothers.com/blog
The Wash House- https://thewashhouseinc.com/
The Williford Brothers Laundromat Bootcamp- https://thewashhouseinc.typeform.com/to/kQbhdUgZ
Traction- Gino Wickman- https://amzn.to/3PwSEki
Rocket Fuel- https://amzn.to/3dC0USE
Extreme Ownership- https://amzn.to/3QlXfXP

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