A Change of Government

2 years ago

A Change of Government

December 12, 2022 - A Change of Government

A change is about to happen right before your eyes. Something that has never been seen before, but who can imagine it and who can explain it.
A people being delivered from the hands of their oppressors. It reminds me of the Great Exodus from the pages of the Bible. Perhaps, not to
the level of being physically enslaved, but spiritual enslavement is much worse than physical. At least when kept captive physically a person
knows their condition and can plan an escape. But how can a person who is spiritually bound and does not know it ever imagine an escape when they don't know they are in prison. Only the LORD knows how to deliver a nation from bondage, AMERICA will be free again to fulfill the Great Commission set forth by our LORD. The world is about to see a change of governments both physically and spiritually.

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