Ep. 120: Responding Well When You Don't Have Control

1 year ago

Too Busy to Flush Podcast Episode 102. TB2F.com

Episode Summary

In this episode, life has brought full circle the fact we don't know everything and we're not in control. So how do we respond?

Episode Notes

Intro & Housekeeping,
2:14: Thorns in the flesh, David and Saul, pride.
4:50: Behold the Lamb of God.
6:49: Parenting struggles with our 4 year old.
8:52: Forgetting bad things with your kids, the struggle with our human nature, why health and wealth. seems so appealing.
10:51: Community Comments on the news, anxiety and hopelessness.
12:28: Our desire to know and control, be omniscient like God, and our finite capacity to do so.
14:43: Embracing the life God gives us and just rolling with it.
15:50: Great Christmas books: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever; The Family Under the Bridge, Great Joy.
17:59: Lessons from the book of Judges about trying to control our world and being drawn away from the Lord because we’re trying to control.
22:22: “Going well” is different for God than it is with us.
27:05: The tension of the whole human life: enjoying your work but doing so in a fallen world and bumping against uncomfortable things- it’s for God’s glory.
28:55 Unbelievers thriving and the unjust and God’s glory will get accomplished eventually.
29:35: John Piper on Forgiveness, Justice and Mercy, Miroslav Volf: Exclusion and Embrace; Free of Charge: Giving and Forgiving in a Culture Stripped of Grace
34:10 The death of Molly’s great uncle and The Forgotten 500 from WW2
41:35: Death and Christmas and permanent loss
43:30: Control, Jesus’ humility and working for our salvation
45:38: Derek Webb, Abraham Piper, and Josh Harris themes on not being good enough
49:09: Being good and being good enough to earn salvation, psychologizing Christianity.
54:10: Freedom in our lack of control: don’t overcomplicate, do what’s in front of you today, eat drink and be merry.

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