Covid19 Response Policy Report

2 years ago

Kia Ora, Hello,
This is a report update from Aotearoa, NewZealand in response to the USA-UK-WEF-Nato-SERCO military neo-nazi satanist Invasion. We have more information exposed since Twitter Files release. And confirm the covid19 response policy was paid for by SamFTX@Crypto as crypto was a WEF clinton-kerry-schwab pilot project. The income from stolen estates was used to pay for their INVASION of 17 nations including NewZealand & Ukraine. Illegally entering under covid19 response, they attacked individual private estates for raiding. Forced vaccine murdering & injuring up to 1million for immigrant population replace. And establishing their development. Jacinda Ardern & NZ police are also involved. I was attacked by arderns police & jailed for my land successions they raided also in Tauranga, Papamoa, Maketu, Waikato, and Rotorua. They extinguished titles & names & Tribal boundaries in order to Illegally Transfer over Titles. Nuremberg Trials 2023 calls for the crown rothchild including labour government to be prosecuted with police, judges, MOH medical & law society and 5eyes national security & intelligence community, Internal Affairs, MOJ, MSD, MOBI, NZ defense forces. Governor General, Chief Justice & Police Commissioner Andrew Coster. Covid response team Ashley Bloomfield, Chris Hipkins, Grant Robertson, David Clark etc. I was unable to trim video or add titles due to hacker interference.
Date: Tuesday 13 December 2020.
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Thank you. Further evidence updates Dec23, 2023 - MUST WATCH - PUBLIC HEALTH HAS BEEN MILITARIZED
How we have come to this satanic evil cult Medical Military Industrial Complex USA wackos mafia. Using covid19 flu pandemic launch by politcians, then INVADING 17 Nations, using their Emergency Response Services drama, including goldman sachs contracting Saint Johns Ambulance used to abduct people by False Fraud Reports. Its a Sick Sick Sick nazee mindset Holocaust Scheme on a Global Scale. This is why Biden is planted in Position. The Kill Box is 5g SMART bioweapons DEW direct energy weapons. Powerful Report confirming this criminal terrorist operation.
USA Lawyer Researcher Katherine Watt Reports:
Rebbecca Kitterridge trans Ardern partner hides in Royal Commission Covid19 Inquiry office central intelligence cult neonazees. Now Kitteridge works for Chris Luxton. This confirms the Covid vax genocide hearings are a Scam fraud that will not deliver Justice to those Deceased & Injured by Pfizer-Moderna WEF-WHO-UN-EU-CCP
DISSOLVE PARLIAMENT for Nuremberg Trials 2.0 2024:
To send a donation to support my shared talents. Post money cash to 46 Arawa ave, Maketu, north island, bay of plenty, New Zealand.
Thank you.
World Bank Lawyer & Whistle Blower Karen Hudes interview exposes marshall law in USA & western societies. Also the corrupt govt & federal reserve trading peoples birth certificates as chatels property on global trademarkets as Slaves:

Whistle Blower Gerald Celente exposes the True State of USA affairs Market Distortions, out of control DEBT, Geo-politicial chaos to create WW3. Gerald quoted "The military industrial complex is robbing the Genius of the scientists, sweat of the Labourers & the future of the Children". Powerful statement true words. More Researchers are needed for developments instead of weapons & bombs made & 800 military bases in 70 countries:
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