Doctors Of Death

1 year ago

This clip of Lara Logan comparing Fauci to Nazi Doctor Mengele is aging like fine wine.

Doctors Of The Holocaust
••••••A Vignette••••••
A war of Information holocaust

Fauci is a war criminal of a holocaust

He knowingly gave out a holocaust

He said double down we must holocaust

Double down your Illuminati hoax holocaust

Social distancing should do for fear of a holocaust

Spread the COVID around Gov Cuomo holocaust

Dr Birx shy and demure hid a holocaust

She could not even keep her own guidelines holocaust

Vaccinate the Vaccination to the jab-die holocaust

Governors mandated a financial holocaust

Are you medically rebellious you are a holocaust

Fauci doubles down on retaining the holocaust

Wear your Star of David (mask) now you’re compliant holocaust

We did not know in the beginning of the holocaust

That our FEMA camp doctors are the Directors of the Holocaust.
••••••Doctors of Death••••••
Josef Mengele -Angel of Death
Anthony Fauci -Snatcher of Breath
Deborah Leah Birx -Silent wie die Nacht

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