War-Time Recipes: 1918 Ginger Snaps

2 years ago

War-Time Recipes: 1918 Ginger Snaps
War-Time Recipes
Boston Cooking-School Cook Book
½ cup molasses
¼ cup shortening
1½ cups barley flour
¼ tsp soda
1½ tsp ginger
¾ tsp salt
Boil molasses one minute and ad shortening. Sift together flour, soda, ginger, and salt, and add to first mixture. Chill, roll on a floured board as thin as possible, using a small part of the dough at a time. Cut in shapes and bake in moderate oven.
Did we eat them? Yes
Would I make them again? Yes
Notes: I needed more liquid to make these into a dough I could roll.

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