🔴 LIVE - Has Severodonetsk fallen? | Ukraine Combat Footage Live Review !app

2 years ago

At 6pm EST Funker News Network Host @RonnieFit discusses:
- #CombatFootage from #Ukraine, #Syria, #Iraq
- #Severodonetsk may have fallen, but likely small pockets of resistance
- #Ukraine Su-27 shot down by Ukraine?
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Footage Discussed:

Close quarters 'spetsnaz' footage somewhere near Severodonetsk. It looks like they're breaking contact with a Ukrainian force: https://funker530.com/video/intense-firefight-between-russian-spetsnaz-and-ukrainian-infantry/

Reported Russian 'paratroopers' in a firefight in Donetsk Oblast, specifically the artemiv-sk region: https://funker530.com/video/russian-paratroopers-engage-and-maneuver-in-firefight/

Ukrainian forces holding defensive positions in severodonetsk: https://funker530.com/video/ukrainian-troops-engage-russian-unit-in-severodonetsk/

Ukrainian next-level machinery bought with $40 billion. Scores of high mobility weapons hitting the front lines VERY SOON ITS BAD FOR THE RUSSIANS

Aircraft shoot-down by surface to air missile is a Ukrainian Su-27p: https://funker530.com/video/aircraft-shot-down-by-surface-to-air-missile
Footage close-up: https://funker530.com/video/jet-shot-down-on-video-identified-as-ukrainian-su-27p

Reports indicate that it could have potentially been fratricide, but I personally haven't seen confirmation. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FUqeDB6WUAAh5de?format=jpg&name=900x900

Russian Ammo depot struck in Luhansk, near Kreminna: https://funker530.com/video/russian-ammo-depot-struck-in-luhansk/

Ukrainian SOF knocking out Russian BMP-2 with 2x RPG-22's: https://funker530.com/video/ukrainian-sof-knock-out-bmp-2-with-double-rocket-launchers/

Iraqi insurgent fires at American troops while close-air support is overhead. Just watch it and take from it what you will: https://funker530.com/video/iraqi-insurgents-fire-at-us-forces-while-air-support-is-overhead/

Ahrar ash-Sham; Syrian T-72 in Damascus takes direct RPG-22 hit, tank was reportedly disabled and abandoned: https://funker530.com/video/direct-rpg-22-hit-on-syrian-t-72-in-damascus/

Ukrainian srone films inbound surface to air missile, and it's wild to watch: https://funker530.com/video/drone-films-incoming-surface-to-air-missile/

Inside a Ukrainian-operated 122mm 2S1: "Carnation"
Photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2S1_Gvozdika#/media/File:6742_-_Moscow_-_Poklonnaya_Hill_-_Tank.JPG
- Fully amphibious, which I'm no marine but I bet that's scary
- Initially prototyped in 1958, entered service in the 1970's. Ukraine supposedly has around 600 of them.

Ukrainian "Kraken" SOF unit releases drone footage showing artillery strikes near Kharkiv: https://funker530.com/video/kraken-artillery-makes-big-hits-on-russian-targets/
- Kraken is a volunteer unit formed by former Azov the day that Putin announced the "special military operation"
- Answers to the Defense Ministry but technically isn't a part of Ukraine's Armed Forces
- Weightlifters and bouncers, but have been accused of mistreating Russian POW's (according to the Washington Post). This was refuted by their commander in a telegram post last month.

TOS 1-A being used in...direct fire mode?: Heat from explosions causes the moisture to vaporize, vaporized air travels with the shockwave: https://funker530.com/video/russian-tos1a-conducts-impressive-direct-fire-attack/

The last video before we get to Trending Tuesday, is this little gem from the Chechens. Enjoy: https://funker530.com/video/hyper-elite-chechen-operator-conducts-perfect-combat-marksmanship-drill/

****Trending Tuesday****
Number 5: Ukrainian infantry engaging Russians in the woods - https://funker530.com/video/nsfw-secondary-footage-ukrainian-infantry-engage-russian-infantry-in-woods
Number 4: (NSFW) Drone drops mortar right on top of a Russian. Extremely NSFW: https://funker530.com/video/nsfw-brutal-deadly-drone-operation-against-russian-trench
Number 3: Ukrainian soldier takes one to the chest and forearm, proceeds to install a tourniquet: https://funker530.com/video/ukrainian-soldier-catches-ricochet-with-forearm-and-plate-carrier
Number 2: (NSFW) Truck cooks off with Russian soldiers onboard: https://funker530.com/video/nsfw-truck-cooks-off-with-russian-soldiers-on-board
Number 1: (NSFW) Lone Ukrainian makes heroic last stand against squad of VDV - https://funker530.com/video/nsfw-lone-ukrainian-makes-heroic-last-stand-against-squad-of-russian-vdv

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