1913 Luncheon Menu: Summer Salad, Lima Bean Loaf, Celery Relish, Rice Pudding

2 years ago

1913 Luncheon Menu
The New Cookery

Summer Salad
Lima Bean Loaf
Celery Relish
Rice Pudding

Summer Salad
1 cup diced cucumbers
1 cup cut celery
1 cup diced radishes
¼ cup grated onion
1 cup cooked Mayonnaise Dressing
1 dozen medium-sized lettuce leaves
Select as firm, fresh vegetables as possible. If not strictly fresh place in cold water for one-half hour or more. Peel the cucumbers and cut into one-half inch cubes. Wash and scrape the celery to free it of the course fibre. Cut quite finely. Wash and brush the radishes. Cut off the top and stem end and cut into cubes without peeling. The red radishes add a bit of color to the salad. Cleanse the lettuce by washing in several waters and shred very finely with sharp shears. Prepare the grated onion and mix with the other vegetables. Blend all together with the dressing. Serve upon a lettuce leaf.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes

Lima Bean Loaf
1 cup dried lima beans
2 ½ cups stale bread crumbs
1 tbs chopped parsley
2 ½ tbs butter
1 ½ tsp salt
¼ tbs powdered sage
3 eggs
Put the beans to soak over night, or for a few hours. Drain and put to cook in boiling water. Let cook slowly until tender, but not soft enough to lose their shape. Drain and shake over the fire to dry. Melt the butter and add the crumbs, stirring while doing so. Add the chopped parsley, salt and sage. Beat the eggs and mix with the beans. Fold in the buttered crumbs, turn into a buttered loaf pan and bake until nicely browned.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes

Celery Relish
1 quart can tomatoes
1 quart celery (chopped very fine)
1 pint onions (chopped very fine)
2 tbs salt
¼ cup lemon juice
Cook the tomatoes, celery and onions covered until very tender and quite thick. When almost done add the salt. Add the lemon juice at the very last.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes
Note: I rarely use as much rice as they ask for. Would start with less and add to taste.

Plain Rice Pudding
5 cups milk
½ cup rice
Grated rind of ½ lemon
½ tsp salt
1/3 cup sugar
Wash the rice, mix ingredients and pour into a buttered dish. Bake 3 hours in a very slow oven, stirring three times during the first hour to prevent rice from settling. Should not brown the first hour. Stir at the end of the second hour. The milk should be like thin cream. If this pudding is to be served quickly use 4 cups of milk instead of 5, but it is better to use 5, and cook longer.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Probably not.
Note: The instructions for this recipe did not work for me. After three hours, I added an additional up of rice, brought it to a boil on the stove, and let it simmer about an hour.

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