1906 Bean Pot: Piquant Pea Soup

2 years ago

1906 Piquant Pea Soup.
20th Century Cook Book
Maude C. Cooke
1 pint green dried peas or fresh ones
2 quarts water (or stock)
2 onions
3 tbs butter
6 cloves
1 bay leaf
1 tbs salt
1 cup of canned or whole tomatoes
Red pepper
Bread cut in squares
One pint of green dried peas—or fresh ones. If dried, scald in a solution of saleratus water, blanch them thoroughly and cook gently in 2 quarts of water until tender and soft. Pass them through a sieve. Chop 2 onions and fry in 2 tablespoons of butter, add 6 cloves and bay leaf and then stir all together. Put in a tablespoon of salt -and a cup of either canned or whole tomatoes. Let the whole cook very slowly for an hour, when, if it seems too thick, add a little boiling water and let it cook a little longer. Then add a pinch of red pepper and a tablespoonful of butter, and just before serving a cupful of squares of bread which have been fried brown in butter until of a pretty golden hue.
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Would I make it again? Yes

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