RW2022: Research weekend 2022: Chunlong from

2 years ago

Research Weekend 2022: Chunlong Li
Chunlong Li's "Work in progress" rep

bar by bar, visual box, standard work
exit management and wu wei
Compound critical states and "popcorn"
1000 times
exemplars & students
the problem: abundance, volume, surplus
learning surgery by observation?
Note taking, Note MAKING
Models: Sustain, Improve, Action; Plan-Prepare-Execute-Assess
Making artifacts: a commitment to the long term (durable tools)
Ruthless Risk Management: Survive, then Thrive
the Master To-Do list: always work in progress
Limit work in progress (Kanban)
Empty the bowl, Surrender, "Rise up!"
Mini-Campaigns: the routines and Rituals
The weekend Swing podcast (KenH + Live coaching)
Cross-check and confirm
Systems Thinking: system of systems
Fractal time/patterns and Value/Price Ladder MTFMLA
Trading as a way of living: The 4 Sages
Zerostate and Balance, Owl meditation
Concious competence model
Learn to fail properly: failure is information, IF YOU USE IT
Sketch a Framework and Find the Bricks (like Max Pain Range Compression)
Feel and appreciate your feelings
Volatility is your friend! (like electricity)
Strategy 5: Trust and Open-mindedness!
our authentic face is actually beautiful! give it to the Universe!
Feel the Poem, Feel the Song! (Tower of Power!)
Actions and commitments going forward! (Sniper, RRM)
Weekly encouragements and support, self and others
Integration: Knowledge - Skills
Paper - Pilot - Production -Diversified
FAIL: First, Always I Learn
Manageable, comfortable risk

Trade the markets: Survive, then thrive ...
Learn to trade, 1 trade at a time

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The Traders Mind series:

How many people know what to do?
How many people then do it?
How many people do it, without knowing?
if you don't do it, does it matter if you know it?

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