Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals Pro IGF-1 Explained

2 years ago

This is the premier product for serious bodybuilders and athletes - Over 1000% more IGF-1 than Deer Antler and other IGF products! This product has been used by both bodybuilders and professional athletes providing support during extreme exercise or athletic events. Pro-IGF-1â„¢ contains a concentrated source of the growth factor matrix and co-factors extracted from a proprietary whey protein and aids recovery and supports the various metabolic processes that occurs in the body at the cell level.

Why is Pro-IGF-1â„¢ important for a bodybuilder or athlete?

Helps regulate fat for use as energy, resulting in fat loss.
Contributes to anti aging. As we get older, IGF-1 production slows down and this results in cell reduction. Low levels of IGF-1 are linked to heart failure, lower brain cell regulation and neuron function. Not to mention muscle tissue breakdown.
Helps to increase nutrient shuttling (protein synthesis).
Increases regenerative functions of nerve tissues.
Boosts the ability to cause hyperplasia in muscle cells resulting in fuller muscle tissue.

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