Seating a Tubeless bead using an airbrush hose and small compressor

2 years ago

My trick on seating the bead on a tubeless tire. I first tried the air comrpessor with the spray nozzle but the orface was tiny so I had to go looking for some other attachment that would allow better airflow. Well I found this hose along with my old airbrush stuff from Jr. College ('96).

The airbrush hose works great because it has a small rubber gromet to help seal. the nut has a slight angle and can be moved around a little. it does leak a tiny amount of air from this joint but its very minimal and much easier than trying to hold force on the valvestem in the correct position etc..The other end just goes to a std air hose quick connect. I removed my moisture filter and regulator from the airbrush setup but you could also just keep that inline. Just gotta be quick about holding the air in once the bead is set and getting the valve core back in.

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