Top 10 Historical Facts That AREN'T TRUE

2 years ago

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We were all taught things in school—or, at very least, in the schoolyard—that we accepted on faith as historical facts, only to discover over time that the truth has a nasty way of interfering with the “facts” as we were taught them. This is especially true with history, which seems to be a breeding ground for all sorts of misconceptions, half truths, and outright lies that have become enshrined in the national mythos as historical facts. Fortunately, most such bits of misinformation are largely harmless and, in a way, can even be beneficial if they create in us a desire to delve more deeply into the past to ascertain the truth, thus becoming a teaching tool. Below are just a few of the more commonly held erroneous pieces of history that most people are familiar with.

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Coming up:

10. Columbus was the First European to Discover America
9. People in Columbus’ Time Thought the World was Flat
8. Hitler Seized Power in Germany by Force
7. The Stock Market Crash of 1929 Started the Great Depression
6. Japan had to Attack America if it Wanted to Survive Economically
5. If Lee had Won at Gettysburg the South Would’ve Won the Civil War
4. Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation Freed the Slaves
3. Lindbergh was the First Person to Fly Across the Atlantic
2. Custer’s 7th Cavalry was Wiped Out at Little Bighorn
1. USA was Chiefly Responsible for Defeating Germany in WWI and WWII

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