Texas Commissioner of Ed Exposed for Deception

2 years ago

Morath caught in his lies!!
Texas Parents, teachers, and tax payers, I hope you will take time to watch this video of portions of a meeting that happened on Dec. 8th where Commissioner of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) Mike Morath was promoting his Open Education Resource (OER) Initiative via a $50 million dollar online digital program he executed with Amplfy.
I have also included video clips which clearly show just how deceptive Commissioner Morath is from his testimony before the legislature and the SBOE.
I wrote this back in 2018 about Commissioner Mike Morath’s “Open Resource Education” (OER). http://www.voicesempower.com/this-is-how-local-curriculum-control-dies-oer-open-education-resources/?fbclid=IwAR2abCryNvCBWUjkGhDEDQnLh-fh3Bz5BxmDzqrK2lVxB--H1Pktbyi_Xrs

Knowledge is power!
Additionally, Morath is not honest about his background.

Morath was ​not a​ successful software entrepreneur, h​e did not start Minute Menu software company and, it was never his company to sell. In an interview from early 2011 while Morath was running for office. Morath started the myth then that he was a successful "tech entrepreneur" and that he was "stepping down as CEO" to devote himself to "fixing public education". This is a false narrative, one that Morath invented.

Those who profit off Texas children’s behavioral student data are pushing Morth’s false narrative,such as (ToddWilliams) with Commit Dallas who was a​ reference o​n Mike Morath's application for the Next Generation of Assessments and Accountability Commission.
Here is a link to the documentation I gave to the nomination committee last time Morath was appointed by Abbott. http://womenonthewall.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Can-I-See-Morath.Crabill.pdf

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