Tillamook Mint Chocolate Chip Waffle Cone Ice Cream Sandwich Review

2 years ago

Let's try Tillamook Mint Chocolate Chip Waffle Cone Ice Cream Sandwiches... Described as: "Waffle Cone Cookies: Made with real butter and brown sugar, our cookies are baked to be perfectly crisp, just like the waffle cone you'd find in an ice cream shop. Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream: Cool, delicious mint ice cream with chips of real chocolate fudge. Dark Chocolate Cookie Coating: On each crispy cookie, there's a rich dark chocolate coating."

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Matt Deese
Ice Cream Guy
Ice Cream Show
Ice Cream Review
Man VS Ice Cream
Ice Cream Challenge
Trying Every Frozen Treat I Can
Chasing My Goals & Living The Dream


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