Wife Of Prominent NY Attorney Committed After Pursuing Child Custody - Needs Your Help

2 years ago

A prominent New York attorney's wife was committed to a psych ward after she sought custody of their children. She also had $80 million of her money taken and had to live in her car for a brief time before being committed. Her case is to be heard at 10:30am EST on December 12,2022 and people can make a difference by merely logging in to the virtual hearing. The information to that hearing is below. Eric Hughes Jones joins me to explain what is happening to this woman.

Here's the information you need to connect to the virtual hearing.

Appearance Date: Monday, December 12, 2022, 10:30am EST
Court: Rockland County Supreme Court
Case Caption: In the matter of Elizabeth Harding Weinstein
Case Number: 900327-22
Party Name: Elizabeth Harding Weinstein
The live stream can be accessed at link with the passcode: 1212.

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