Western `leaders` versus the people...

2 years ago

Western democracies have been taken over. Now, these so called `leaders` of the `west` take the lead worldwide in fraud, in government scams, military invasions, in government controlled monopolies, corporations writing laws and regulations, mass incarceration, mass surveillance, high taxes, lack of public services, and undermining of human rights. Huge military invasions and war crimes are normal for our western `leaders` without any vote, without most people knowing what or why. The west pretends to not understand why standards are declining across all areas of society. But we can easily see the underlying root cause was the corruption of imposing `lockdowns` shutting down businesses, destroying everything for the last 2 years. Since public money is no longer going to public services but is used as `hush money` and to the `media` to propagandize for the new world `leaders`. The absurd state of corruption can be seen, but nothing can be done about it, as it is all marked ‘legal’ due to the combination of political, legal, and governance corruption that is all ‘legal’. The courts are now subservient to politicians and Big Pharma, as political rules control the courts. Sadly, judges just say ‘we are just doing our job’ now, rather than challenge any political law that undermines society for corporate interests. The legal system has been hacked and undermined. Politicians have been able to essentially make the public courts be their own servants, servants of corporations, and with complete loss of independence. And the western `Police forces` use brutal force if ordinary citizens try to resist so called `mandates`. Laws are passed to make corporations monopolies in almost all areas of public concern, like health, transport, internet, etc. Laws target political opponents with ease, with the concept of having enough laws to entrap anyone when the time becomes right, or take down any person or company on behalf of another. Politicians use huge penalties for trivial problems allowing politicians to go after anybody with ease, and use it to tie up the courts chasing ‘pebbles’, while leaving the ‘rocks’. Politicians can pass laws that can cover large portions of the population, use the police and the courts to enforce them selectively, and use huge penalties to force plea deals rather than constitutionally protected jury trials. The government institutions are a farce, the population just has to accept and joke about it. Western Government collect and spend 25–50% of the GDP each year, so the economic and social advancement is directly tied to the running of governments now. However this has become a transfer of wealth from the middle class to the rich, comparatively little gets directly allocated to those who need it, and the majority across all areas goes to contracts, overhead, management, pet projects. Health departments control supply, demand, monopoly pricing, and overhead so much to cause declining levels of health across the population.The western militaries can cause chaos around the world, produce unheard of horrors in health, death, and migration patterns for no reason, such as in Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Ukraine. Ironically citizen surveillance is done in far larger numbers and budgets in secret by western democracies than in China. When citizens are brave enough to expose the regime in the west, retroactive immunity is given to everyone involved in the regime. Corruption is all around western democracies in plain sight. Everybody knows it, but nothing that can be done about it. It is not even called corruption. We all know voting in a new figurehead is useless. We all turn a blind eye, and just joke about the large scale and 'grand' corruption in governments. We give the public institutions the benefit of doubt when they operate poorly. Corruption is legalized and written into law. Investigating or reporting corruption or secrecy in public institutions made illegal with the harshest penalties. This obviously just encourages and supercharges corruption. The ordinary people of the `west` have been taken captive and a lot are living in fear. The `media` uses distractions such as Russia or China to hide western crimes against their own populations and even now the entire so called `west` is being impoverished slowly and surely. Prices are going up every day and our governments keep coming up with excuses. The End-game is to enslave us all completely.

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