#140 Norma Hollis: The Godfather of Authenticity| Joey Pinz Discipline Conversations #shorts

2 years ago

#134 Mari Anne Snow: Excelling in Remote Work

Available on YouTube and all Podcast platforms: https://linktr.ee/joeypinz

Norma Hollis is a change agent who impacts the world in multiple ways. She writes programs for human development, around the theme of ‘Authenticity’, and turns them into training processes to deepen self-awareness and expand consciousness. Norma and her programs are catalysts for people who are open to gaining new perspectives about self, life, and living. She’s the creator of the Authenticity Assessment and the Authenticity Grid, dynamic tools that guide people toward greater self-awareness.

She was the first Black woman to own a speaker bureau for Black speakers and she continues to help people find, live, and share their authentic voice. She is a thought-leader for multiple organizations and has an international presence in both the professional speaking and professional coaching industries. Norma loves working with speakers, coaches, leaders, and others who are committed to making a positive difference in the world.

Episode Links:
Web: https://NormaHollis.com
Web: https://AuthenticityU.com
Assessment: https://AuthenticityAssessment.com
Web: https://Authenticize.me
Web: https://AuthenticityMovement.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/normahollis~changeleaders/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheAuthenticityMovement
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/normahollis/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthenticVoiceD
Email: Info@NormaHollis.com
Phone: (323) 734-7144

Joey Pinz Conversations Podcast Information:
• Website: https://www.joeypinz.com
• Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/joeypinz
• Music by Tom Izzo: @wahlsinger https://tomizzomusic.com

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