KCAA: Get Balanced with Dr. Marissa #834

2 years ago

KCAA: Get Balanced with Dr. Marissa #834 Love Loss & Living w/ Empathy w/Co-Host Yarona Boster and Dr. Marissa on Tue, 6 Dec, 2022

Why does it seem so easy to judge others than to go easy on others? Has the pandemic made us more critical and judgemental?! Can we move away from more judgement to more empathy?

Tune in TOMORROW MORNING when my newest co-host Yarona Boster and I talk about what and how to turn our knee-jerk, emphasis on jerk reactions can be turned into more valuable and useful empathy for humanKIND emphasis on kind✌️❣️
Yarona Boster knows loss well, from a very personal level to the professional arena, and she’s developed wisdom beyond her years as a result.
With 15 years in the world of Early Childhood, Yarona became an accomplished TEDx Speaker, Certified Speaker Coach, Certified Life Coach, Parenting Coach, Loss/Trauma-Informed Coach, Infertility Advocate, Mentor and Coach.
Yarona takes a "heart-centered" approach in her coaching style and if you are willing to trust the process and stay open to finding the best version of YOU that you want to be, Yarona will help you get that done.

Exclusively on “Take My Advice I’m not using it: Get Balanced with Dr. Marissa, the Morning Show!’ right after the @NBCNews @kcaaradio AM 1050 FM 106.5 Home to the Asian Oprah EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING and streaming everywhere @iheartradio @spotify PLUS INTERACT Watch AND Listen LIVE Lovestreaming on my LINKEDIN FB AND YouTube channel…so FREE SUBSCRIBE and COME CHAT with us in the morning!! Show link in bio Linktree! #drmarissareportinglive #NBCNewsRadio #drmarissa #asianoprah #hopeandhappiness #whatsrightwiththeworld #goodnews

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