Anatoliy Golitsyn – New Lies for Old – 24 – The Impact of the Disinformation Program

2 years ago

Chapter 24: The Impact of the Disinformation Program

309 — The Shaping of Western Assessments of the Communist World
313 — The Effect on Western Policy Formation
316 — The Practical Effects on Western Policies
322 — Conclusion

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Chapter 24: The Impact of the Disinformation Program

1. Quoted in Alvin Z. Rubinstein The Foreign Policy of the Soviet Union (New York: Random House, 1960), p. 405.

2. New York Times, August 10, 1962.

3. David M. Abshire, 'Grand Strategy Reconstructed: an American View,' in
Detente: Cold War Strategies in Transition, ed. Eleanor Lansing Dulles and Robert Dickson Crane (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1965), p. 269.

4. "The New Drive Against the Anti-Communist Program," hearing before the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Washington, D. C, July 11, 1961, p. 10.

5. R. Strausz-Hupe, W. R. Kintner, J. E. Dougherty, and A. J. Cotrell, Protracted Conflict, (New York: Harper Brothers, 1959) pp. 115-16: "It is no exaggeration to say that in recent years the Western governments have shown neither enthusiasm for, nor skill in, the conduct of their official "information programs" which are a poor substitute for ideological-political warfare. Western peoples, in general, are hardly exercised about the future of the free way of life. So defensive has the Western mentality become that many intellectuals devote most of their time to apologizing for the institutions and the processes of liberal society. Paradoxically, even those intellectuals who are most dedicated to the cause of individual freedom within their own nations do not manifest as profound a concern over the threat which communist expansion poses to human freedom."

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