Teaching My Wife How to Play Snap | Surfer Patriot is EASY Mode!

2 years ago

At long last guest appearance of TeddyWife! We teach the wife to play SNAP with a Surfer Patriot deck that feels like putting the game on easy mode.
Deck Code Below.

This list is great to learn with and to climb with because it is incredibly straight forward to play. You don't have to worry about countering your opponent, you just out run them by making more points through your synergies of Patriot and Silver Surfer. These cards both have synergies with Cyclops, Debrii, and Brood so our list is packed with hyper efficient plays and we have Onslaught and Doctor Doom waiting as big finishers.

Surfing in the USA Deck Code: https://marvelsnapzone.com/decks/surfing-in-the-usa-3/
Discord: https://discord.gg/VXfYWzjn9D

0:00 - Patriot Surfer Deck
3:12 - Game 1 (Well, it's a start)
8:06 - Game 2 (TVA Quicky)
12:31 - Picking a New Avatar - (Defeat)
14:14 - Picking a New Card Back - (First Surfer Draw)
21:00 - Game 5 (The Finale!)

#marvelsnap, #silversurfer, #learntoplay,

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