August 15, 2018 🇺🇸 JESUS SAYS... This Giant will not fall gracefully... Pray for the Offenders

2 years ago

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Jesus says… This Giant will not fall gracefully – Pray for the Offenders

August 15, 2018 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Lord, help us to stay on Your side, praying that those who have been exposed would convert before it is too late for them… Amen.

Jesus began… “Yes, do pray for your country. Things are beginning to break, and have an impact. Repercussions are coming down on those who have betrayed the nation and the dominoes are beginning to fall. It is making a deep impact and shaking foundations. You are praying against repercussions.

“Finally, Clare, things are coming apart, piece by wicked piece. But I still want you to remember to pray for the offenders, for some will take their lives and others will be murdered. This is a critical time in law enforcement, too, because so much evil is syndicated and tied in with legitimate law enforcement agencies.

“This giant will not fall gracefully. Much is being planned to draw attention away from the real news—false flag events, which the media hopes to make a grand point of focus to undermine what is being exposed. So, this is the time to be praying against retaliation…

“Heartdwellers, your prayers are in the process of being answered, but it isn’t pretty. In fact, it is foul beyond what you could ever imagine. Every filthy practice invented by Satan has been used to entrap your government officials. They have sunk to levels of depravity that Sodomites never dreamt of.

“These opportunities to engage in perversion are offered to all who hold office, as an escape and an entertainment on the surface. But beneath the surface, they are entrapments that can later be used to manipulate and control people with blackmail. But what they don’t see, is that their souls have sunk down so deep into sin, that they no longer resemble a human on a spiritual level.

“Even the animals do not have the motive to do such things. This lowers their morality level so far down they are incapable of operating with any integrity at all in their elected and assigned offices.”

(Clare) And if they step one step to the right or to the left to follow something that opposes the people that know about these things, these files and photographs are brought up in their face, saying, ‘You can’t do that or we’ll expose you’.

(Jesus) “And Satan has lured them into a spiritual death-trap that renders them void of a conscience. In this way, as they lead double lives, they are constantly tormented by demons. ‘What if they find out? What if my daughter finds out? What will she think?? What if, what if, what if…’ The demons make sport of them and feed off their fears and their double lives, torture them day and night.

“Pray for them, as many contemplate suicide and even going to a far worse place to escape punishment. There are many underground hiding places where they can escape justice. Underground cities have been prepared for such as these. Cities of refuge, where these without a conscience go to continue a life of depravity and sink deeper and deeper into it.

“The families of these men and women will be shocked into despair when they fully come to comprehend what the man or woman they called their father or mother has been involved in. And this is one point of entrance for Me, a place of profound humiliation that can open the door for their conversion.

“If they run or commit suicide, this will close the door. This is why I want you to pray for them; there is still a chance. Demons to incite suicide are at an all-time high, and this is the preferred method of Satan to end their days, before they have a chance to repent.

“I want you to know that I am greatly edified by your prayers for such as these. I want you to know that My Heart longs to see them repentant and saved—and your prayers do matter. There has been a tremendous campaign by Satan to render you prayer-less.”

(Clare) I’ve been feeling that. I have really felt that.

(Jesus) “There have been lies whispered into your ear day and night that your prayers are fruitless—It’s too big for your prayer to make a difference. The line that: ‘It’s too big for your prayer to make any difference’; that ‘you are not righteous enough to be heard by God.’ ‘Your prayers bounce off the walls — God doesn’t listen to you, because you are still so subject to sin and flaws.’”

(Clare) Well, I’ve heard that non-stop for these past two weeks. Well, and even longer than that. But especially more vigorously recently.

(Jesus) “That is absolutely NOT TRUE! This is a lie from the enemy to get you to stop praying. In fact, if you feel so badly about yourself that you are saying, ‘Oh, what’s the use? God isn’t going to hear me!’ I can guarantee you that is a Lying spirit stealing your faith.

“Do not believe these lies! Righteousness does not always depend on your perfection, it depends on your commitment to be made holy and perfect before Me. Your commitment to get up when you fall, and to keep trying. I hear your prayers. My Father honors your prayers, even though you are still being formed into My image.

“Many of you are also feeling a dullness in prayer. That is another trap the enemy has sent out to separate and divert you from Me. Press in, and do not allow this cloak of dullness to deter you from prayer, worship, and holy reading. I am there, and this cloak is but a smoke screen to discourage you from praying and staying close to Me.”

(Clare) And at that moment I remembered that someone said something about the deep State trying to start war. To divert attention from this. I said… ‘Lord, are they going to try and start a war?’

(Jesus) “They already have, Clare, but their efforts were thwarted. I will continue to block their efforts to throw the world into confusion and escape prosecution. They will be brought to justice. There will be conversions that will happen because you prayed. And it is important for you to know that praying for them will keep you from falling into judgment and opening the doors to be sifted. Prayer puts you on Our side (the holy Trinity side) and keeps you safe from Gossip and Calumny.

“It is bad enough that they are being exposed, but the enemy wants you to dive right in and judge — spreading lies, rumors and even things that are true, but are very dangerous to your soul to discuss. They are occasions of sin. So, please, My people. Stay alert. See that it is finally falling apart, but do not sin. Remember, they were once children. Pray for their conversion and repentance, because it breaks My Heart to lose even one. Even the vilest of all — it still breaks My Heart. Pray for them.”

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