January 25, 2018 🇺🇸 GOD SAYS... All Roads lead to Rome... Millions will walk away from their Religion !

2 years ago

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The Spirit of God says... All Roads lead to ROME Millions will walk away from their Religion

January 25, 2018 - The Lord's Message thru Mark Taylor

The Spirit of God says, "The Pope and the Vatican, that's right the Pope and the Vatican are not furthering My Kingdom but are aiding the kingdom of darkness. Many are saying that this is the last Pope, but it's not for the reasons they think. This will be the last Pope, for what I the Lord God am about to do. I will expose this Pope and all those under his command for all the corruption he and the Vatican have been involved in for centuries."

The Spirit of God says, "There is a shaking and a quaking coming to this Pope and the Vatican, for I will split the Vatican and its leadership wide open for the entire world to see the inner workings of this ancient beast. This Pope, the Vatican and all it's leadership, will come crumbling down.

I will pull back the veil to show how deep and dark the deception has been. You whisper in your inner chambers... 'we answer to no one. No one is above us; No one can hold us accountable.' I the Lord God see it all and the time has come when I will now hold you accountable for your darkness.

This exposure will be of such magnitude that the people will say... 'What do we do now? Where do we go now? We want nothing to do with this. We have no religion now.' Millions will walk away from their religion, as this will affect other religions as well."

The Spirit of God says, "ls My Army ready? Are you ready to receive these people? Are you ready to receive My harvest that's going to take place from this exposure? Prepare yourselves for the tsunami of people that will be starving for Me and have no place to turn. Prepare now! All roads lead to Rome."

The Spirit of God says, "There is a dig, an archeological find that is coming in an underground vault, which will be so cataclysmic that it will ROCK the Christian world. The answer lies between Jerusalem and Vatican city."

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