2 years ago

Calvary Melbourne, Australia is also on Brighteon.com. https://www.brighteon.com/channels/inhisservice

Pastor Andrew Russell preaches on Hebrews chapter 13. There have always been many who teach strange things that did not come from God. These teachers may be from other religions or from groups that claim to be Christian. They seem to teach that we must do what they say before God will accept us. They say in effect that we must work to be good enough for God. But we Christians know that we cannot please God by what we do. We can only come to God because of what Jesus Christ has done for us. He died for our sins, so that God will accept us. We need to be strong in our belief in Jesus, for that is what God asks of us. In most of these other religions and groups, there are rules that people have to obey. There are the ceremonies that all must come to. They can only eat certain foods or they have to prepare their food in special ways. The religion of the Jews had become like that. Doing such things did not help those who did them to come to God. Our trust must not be in what we can do, but in what Jesus has done on our behalf.

Please visit our website: http://www.calvarymelbourne.com.au

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