Prayer AGAINST the Spirit of Suicide! Make NO agreements with it!

1 year ago

Rashida Jourdain - Prayer AGAINST the Spirit of Suicide! Make NO agreements with it!

The Spirit of Suicide is real & running rampant. It is your ENEMY. Sent by Satan & the Spirit of Death. It uses Depression, Rejection, Abandonment, Anger, Guilt, Shame, Condemnation, Rebellion, Sin & Self Hatred as a Door to get in.

It is a Horrible Liar & Deceiver. Suicide acts passively & aggressively. One falsely promises you Rest if YOU take your own life. The other makes you NOT Care if something happens to you OR causes you to put yourself in Harms Way.

Both are evil and NOT from God! MAKE NO AGREEMENTS WITH IT...

PRAY against it! Fight against it! Seek Help! Send the Word of God against it!

I speak LIFE over you Today...You are Loved, Needed & Wanted. God Loves You and already took death for you... Choose to Live in HIM.

TRUTH: "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."- Jesus (John 10:10)

This video is used in the Bible teaching:


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