The Infinite Star Connections - Ep. 062 - David Wallace

2 years ago

Are you ready to explore the Taurus Cloud, Aldebaran Star system? The Infinite Star Connections welcomes David Wallace. In 2008, David experienced physical contact with sentient beings from the Taurus Cloud, Aldebaran Star system where he was taken to a terra-formed planet so named "Bro-Kali" on January 7th 2017. Once there David was invited to release All of the information he stored his entire life regarding animals, the earth's current environment and humankind's behavior to some 2000 ambassador, scientists, and dignitaries of both the Galactic Council of Scientists and members of the Galactic Federation of Planets.

His experience with the "Blues" from Taurus has translated into full time, full blown ongoing physical contact. David has accepted the responsibility of Ambassador amongst the many ambassador already in service here on earth, and those receiving on-going training and support for continued affirmation of the ascension process.

David Wallace is a specialist in Astrophysics, telemetry, cartography, optics and light emissions. He is currently writing several abstracts on 4 New Quantum Physics sciences in deep space navigation, exotic sound theorem and a new quantum hypertext for communicating vast amounts of information through mathematic light language which he calls C.L.P.T and C.L.P.F

Would you like to learn more? Join us on Sunday, December 11, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. MST / 1:00 PM EST!

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