Ukraina Troops Test Javelin Missiles Against Russian Cage-Style Tank Armor || Fail.

2 years ago

Odo Puiu Events invites you to watch a ....
Ukrainian Troops Test Javelin Missiles Against Russian Cage-Style Tank Armor. In this video A javelin missile seems to have failed but the target is hit stripping much of the make-shift armor that is a metal cage destroying it and leaving the turret on fire. What is not clear is whether this test is relative to the current situation or not. Keep in mind that Russa has made a point of modernizing its tanks. The Ukrainian range test target did not have any modern features such as reactive armor and other features such as active protection systems designed to detect and counter incoming missiles. The target seems to be a combination between the turret of an old Russian tank probably a T-64 attached to what looks like a BTR armored personnel carrier. This "tank" is not an appropriate target if the main purpose of the exercise was to test the sturdiness of the new Russian tank defenses or try to see if a javelin could still damage it, in which the answer would be a firm no seeing as the only thing damages was the cage.

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