if i were a man i'd go after this girl but alas

1 year ago

still dumpin on joe rogan fans
i'm sure we'd get along and just smoke a buncha weed
this phony ass masculinity tho
i think this approach is disgusting
do i try to make myself as ugly as possible
is this just yet another form of vanity
taking pride in NOT giving a fuck about physical appearance
no time to be conscious of phys appearance considering all that other shit i'm conscious of
i look stupid quite often, who gives a fuck
i guess i'm not feminine in the modern sense at all
it makes them fucking crazy (and they already are)
beauty products, magazines, catalogs
buying crap doesn't solve existential crisis
men acting like women, soooo obnoxious
maybe i should try a little harder
i look like i'm always on coke
people don't complain about skinny and disgusting (yours truly)
morbid anorexia, amy
i have so many fat friends it's ridic
anybody's fat compared to me tho
i am attracted to women but i ain't gonna do shit about it nor any kinda attraction to a man either
i like bigger girls tho, some girls are bigger than others right
we both appreciated eachother's art
real women don't give a fuck about being a woman
identity shit is annoying
you owe people money
yeah yeah yeah kill yourself (i sound like bill burr)
this really hot chick...shania, i mean if that name doesn't say it all
i'd ask her to marry me cos of how good this bitch can shred
actual talent is under appreciated
size 8-10 maybe
she had cool harr cos she flung it around enough haha
you should at least be healthy, there that's that message
damn my eye just gets lazier and lazier
fatphobic people should kill themselves too
trolling is so easy and pointless
no actual joke, what they've said has already been said so they're just reiterating, not interesting at all or funny or proving any kinda point
nobody cares about anything esp human beings
i don't get disgusted, it just makes me very very sad
vices we all need to work on bad
the reason why people aren't successful a lot of the time
they can't pivot
i gained a pound and a half, exciting shit right there
bony ass shoulders and rib cage sticking out is not positive
evaluate...sumin must need to be worked on
i need to pray for discipline every day
i speak for me and all the times that i slept in or didn't go out somewhere outta fear or cowardice
faith in the bigger picture is what is most important not the task at hand
i just assume they stop watching after about 2min
the voices, yes i know they are obnoxious
you'd have to assume that i'm a really nice person
whatever this is on this channel, is it comedy or just my spewing conscience
if i do say this outloud i get why they get mad and/or leave
ya can't expect me to not do this cos this is who i am
polemical becuz...
so much futility in this society, watching them self destruct is depressing but then again i am also self-destructing in my own way (need to always pray for courage)
i didn't choose to be here
my mom had me but didn't choose to keep me
rejected me on thanksgiving day hahaha
my rejection of this world
hypocrisy examples once again
i absolutely hate your smartphone
your phone hates you and wants you stupid so it can kill you but that's exactly what you deserve so fuck it right
this is that girl by the way

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