Doomsday Paradigm P1/4: Elites' system of control, how politicians can stop it (With Troy McLachlan)

2 years ago

(Part 1 of Saturn philosophy series) We interview Troy McLachlan, one of the world's most out-of-the-box philosophers in this first instalment of our Saturn Philosophy Series. This section aims to get at the root of problems faced by politicians, doctors, lawyers and others who are coming up against corruption in their obviously evil systems. He is the Author of The Saturn Death Cult: The link between planetary catastrophes, ancient mythology and occult ritual. We analyze the Elites' repeated use of the Doomsday Paradigm to cause panic in the masses and take authoritarian and monetary control of nations, a cycle that has been going back thousands of years. We talk history, theology, law, cosmology and philosophy as we delve into the minds of our parasitic corruption class.
Check out Troy McLachlan's website explaining the history and cosmology of Saturn/Electric Universe theory

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