2 years ago

Please join Alternative Educational Alliance Ministries for another thought-provoking conversation with historian and author, Matthew Ehret.

"Jean-Baptiste Colbert (1619-83) was, without a shadow of a doubt, the greatest political economist and nation-builder of the 17th Century, and his ideas and influence have determined the entire course of development of all modern nationstates, including the United States of America, since the Treaty of Westphalia period. Initially promoted as Steward of the household of Cardinal Mazarin, Colbert later became Comptroller General of the Finances of France during most of the reign of Louis XIV. Colbert was the first world leader to successfully apply the new principle of Westphalia to economics, the which would later be followed successively by Gottfried Leibniz, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Quincy Adams, Henry Carey, Friedrich List, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr."
(The Economic Policy that Made the Peace of Westphalia by Pierre Beaudry (2003 EIR)

In, "The Birth of a Eurasian Manifest Destiny" (Clash of the Two Americas, vol. 3), Matthew Ehret describes "FDR as the 20th century Colbert." He writes: "FDR lost no time reviving the policies of Colbert on every level -- from his draining of the swamp during the Pecora commission, the breaking up of the 'Too Big To Fails', undermining the London's bankers' dictatorship of 1933, and his sabotage of the unipolar League of Nations. This battle for the soul of the USA carried forth into FDR's commitment to destroy both fascism during WW2, and more importantly, British colonialism more broadly. When one reads the Atlantic Charter, UN Charter, Four Freedoms or Good Neighbor Policy outlined by FDR between 1936-1945, it is clear that the spirit of Westphalia burned strong in Franklin's Roosevelt's grand design for a multipolar world that was sabotaged before it has a chance to breathe." (p 48)

From the Canadian Patriot Bitchute Channel:
"Did you know that France's anti-oligarchist statesmen not only ushered in a new form of political economy centered around the principle of the sacredness of both the individual and also the general welfare during the 17th century but also established the foundation upon which the later American Revolution was sprung? In this discussion with the Canadian Patriot Review's Matt Ehret and the Alternative Educational Alliance's Brandi Barnes and Vincent Boccarosa, the systems created by France's great finance minister Jean Baptiste Colbert and his mentor Cardinal Mazarin are explored. The system of international law which these men established in the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia is also examined as a process of perfecting natural law through the establishment of the world's first genuine republic in 1776, to the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the formation of the Monroe Doctrine, and later UN Charter as it was envisioned by President Franklin Roosevelt and his allies. We take a deep dive on Franklin Roosevelt's activation of Colbertism during the 1930s-1940s and we examine how this fight for a better world was derailed after his early death on April 12, 1945. Lastly, we trace the re-activation of the principle of Westphalia during the 1954 Bandung Conference that established the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence which in turn set the foundation for an anti-Hobbesian/anti-Zero sum operating system underlying what has increasingly become known as the New Silk Road and Multipolar Alliance."

Supplemental reading:

The previous presentations in this universal history series can be viewed here:
Part I:
Part II:
Part III:
Part IV:

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