December 11, 2022

2 years ago

Arriving and departing often from one particular spot, specially at this building’s entrance, I see it as another tell telling sign of the spies’ presence. On average, you have vehicles departing, arriving and double parking in this street, every 10 minutes if not less, between the hours of 4 am and 1 am, also many livery vehicles and taxis. I should add, the spies do adapt according to my postings. It is impossible for me to report every suspicious incident as they happen, due that my internet remains severely hacked and the number of these incidents. No keeping continuous surveillance in this street, no matter how serious are the incidents happening anywhere else, and how calm this street might appear, is inviting those incidents to occur, they are created precisely with the intention of driving away, the few good guys giving me a hand. By now, it should be obvious, the size, determination, and power of the spy network stalking me and occupying our country.

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