THE TWO SIDES OF A WAR ~ Meet the real Martians with Rebecca Rose (Dec 11, 2022 @ 5pm EST)

2 years ago

Rebecca Rose went through the Secret Space Programs where she found herself on Mars as an asset of the Corporate and the MDF. After a crash she was rescued by indigenous Martians, and we go into the details of her testimony. As part of my work for the GFW, I stood with the opposite faction who was empowering and arming the very beings that the MDF was fighting. Rebecca and I compare our astoundingly matching data and explore the path towards a higher perspective.

---Rebecca's Website:

---Rebecca's YouTube channel: Rebecca Rose - Sirius Blue

END CREDITS: Excerpts of movies were used in the OUTRO:
-Enemy Mine: 1985 (Wolfgang Petersen & Edward Khmara)
-Stargate-SG1: 2003 -Season 7, Ep 7 "Enemy Mine".

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