He ended 58 years of stuttering in 3 days

2 years ago

This 58yo banker from Australia first came to me for a free 45 minute Zoom call about 2 years ago. He really struggled with his oral self expression back then, but because this man was still too skeptical to enroll in our online 3-day course, he took his time to study independently: he continued watching hundreds of the video testimonials from our stutter-free students. He also, purchased and partially read my books.
By doing so, he definitely improved the quality of his speech;-)

But he still could not “get it” to get rid of stuttering completely and live stutter-free. And he finally took the 3-day Etalon Speech Unblocking class;-)

Enjoy this short testimonial and then, go to www.LiveStutterFree.com to watch my webinar about 4 steps to a stutter-free life. Then book a Zoom cal with me.

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