Europe Struggles With Natural Gas While Texas Has the Supply Ready and Waiting

1 year ago

Europe struggles with Natural Gas while Texas has the supply ready and waiting behind a Wagon Wheel Administration. Yes, that is true America could be easily supplying all of Europe with Natural Gas through LNG. What is LNG Liquid Natural Gas? How do we make it and what fields in the states have it ready?

The Belarus Dictator is a LTC for the Russian Army and wants a promotion? What? Mysterious sounds. What are they? Humms and Bangs. Merkel exposes the peace deal in 2014 and how it created the Ukrainian army. Both Germany and Poland now refuse aide to Ukraine. Why? Oil and Natural Gas says Chris Sanders at the American News Network Xi Jingping attacks the Petro Dollar openly with his Yuan, so its time to boycott China. We can bring back the petro dollar through natural gas, consider that.

Also consider that all of the oil is in Texas, but the dipsticks are in D.C.

Via American News Network on Facebook

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