🔥 Dog Rescue : Unsuspecting Dog Rescues Abandoned Baby Monkey 🔥

2 years ago

Unsuspecting Dog Rescues Abandoned Baby Monkey | Three Tea Trees

⁄⁄ W H A T I N T H I S V I D E O
It was a heartwarming moment when a dog was captured on video delivering a baby monkey to the police station in Madhya Pradesh, India. The officers at the station were happy to see the infant monkey and offered him a banana after receiving the infant monkey. The young monkey liked sweet fruit quite a bit and was later given to the forest management so that he could get back to nature. The video of the adorable act continues to be posted on several social networking sites, garnering a large number of likes, shares, and comments from many animal lovers.

It's always heartwarming to see stories of animals behaving lovingly towards one another, and this video of a dog delivering a baby monkey to a police station in India is no different. The footage, which was captured at the Rehli Police Station in Madhya Pradesh, shows the dog happily carrying the little monkey to the officers, who then offer him a banana as a reward.The infant monkey had been found by a lake with a rope around its neck, and it is thought that he was too young to be left on his own. The forest management took custody of the baby monkey afterwards so that he could be returned to nature.This video is sure to bring a smile to your face and restore your faith in humanity (or at least in the animal kingdom)! To watch the most recent video, please subscribe and visit Three Tea Trees on YouTube after watching. We are incredibly appreciative.

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Unsuspecting Dog Rescues Abandoned Baby Monkey
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