New World Disorder 9 - Transhumanist Parasitic Plots

2 years ago

Starting out things with the one of the most alarming recent events regarding the mass amounts of gods creatures forming huge circles and remaining in motion which is likely due to the manipulation of the Earths frequencies that are constantly being toyed with. Then combine that with the final scene from one the movies I have used many times in my videos that I completely missed because it was so dark. I lightened it up a bit for my viewers to see and once again there is no coincidence here.

The main focus of this compilation is the transformation of humans into cybernetic organisms and some of the hidden steps missed along the way that are right in plain sight. Trump had a major part in accelerating the 5G / C0vid vaxx agenda. This agenda started long ago and during WW2 the church bells were removed due to the healing abilities of the frequencies given off. Now we are surrounded by frequencies of death.

The Canadian government has an offering of assisted suicide to any veteran, mentally unstable, poor and even some children now if they would like any relief from them while the Trudeau government spends billions on vaxxines that connect humans to the could which nobody wants anymore. Now they are pressuring physicians in Ontario to claim that any of their patients who don't want a vaxxine is mentally unstable and should take psychiatric drugs. Stepping stones.

Global misleaders all love China's blueprint model of the NWO and aren't shy from admitting it. Meanwhile in China, millions of dissidents who finally refused to participate in the QR code system are being blocked out of society and can no longer purchase food even. Many are then hauled away for either re-education or worse....likely organ removal or slavery. Blood banks even. The social credit scam system in China will be eventually implemented in most western nations soon if they get their way.

Elon Musk has been propped up like most billionaires by good publicity and a lot of fanboys who think he is going to "help humanity", as he puts it. Clearly this is not the case.

Obama started the Global Brain Initiative while in office in 2013 and recently they claimed to have discovered the properties of the Hydra Vulgaris which is an immortal specimen that holds the same genetic sequence as humans. It is also the parasite inside the bloodstream of many humans who took the supposed vaxxine. Hollywood showed us their plans long ago over and over again in plenty of movies of parasites being inserted in humans as hosts and it is no surprise that the movie "Parasite" won so many awards for best picture of 2019 since Hollywood is nothing but parasites.

The movie "Alien" from 1979 showed us how synthetic humanoids were behind the implantation of the Xenomorph parasite that needs a host, just like in our scripted reality of cloned robotoids. Even the term "artificial person" which the synthetic claims he prefers foreshadows the political correctness that these non-binary robotoids love to use on humans.

Google has warned about an AI becoming sentient but once again they are telling us about events that occurred long ago and downplaying it as much as possible. San Francisco has passed a law allowing deadly robots armed with explosives on humans if deemed necessary which shouldn't be far off.

Jumping back to Elon Musk and his updated Tesla bots that he plans to release to the world. A quick comparison of Elon Musk and Klaus Schwab shows an obvious connection in their underlying plot for mankind that most people seem to be completely missing.

So WHO is behind all this? All signs point to Satan.

Once again thanks for watching. If you are reading this, you are the resistance.

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